SDG arts & science foundation

We focus on contemporary art and analytic philosophy. Our main values are innovation, creativity and critical thinking.

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APR '2015

What were the themes of the "Art to Order" discussion at the Moscow Musem of Modern Art

"Purchasing modern art is like a high-risk venture investment, but as it's known these things quite often make the most profit", Dmitry Volkov said at the "Art to order" discussion at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art.

MAR '2015

Oleg Kulik and Dmitry Volkov proved the existence of the external world

"If you have proved that at the very moment two dogs exist, you will ipso facto have proved that at the very moment there are at least two things to be met with in space», the quote from G.E.Moore's "Proof of an External World" became the leading idea for Dmitry Volkov's and Oleg Kulik's performance.

MAR '2015

Books, contemporary art and Kulik: "Our own people" performance at the "Leningrad Center"

Oleg Kulik and Dmitry Volkov created a performance which is active and at the same time mediative, it’s philosophical but has an ironically playful nature.



Having accepted the offer from the Multimedia Art Museum to be photographed for the project “Still Frame”, the star of world ballet and prima ballerina of the Bolshoi, Svetlana Zakharova was the one to choose the photographer. She chose Vladimir Fridkes. To him Zakharova is a queen gifted with a perfect body and mind. Every still frame lives on the edge of real and imaginary. From the air, the photographer captures specific movements that give birth to the ballerina’s dance. She is aware of her talent and phenomenal ability to express nature’s splendor with her own body.



The erotic dream of donkey Biewe was created from his words over a glass of sparkly, he was extremely surprised not by the bosoms with wings, bush-like- lips and the frenzy around him, but over the fact that the ladies’ man already had chickenpox.

Painter: Vova Perkin