
The first exhibition of the private collection of businessman and philosopher Dmitry Volkov became available for viewing online. “This Is Not a Book: Dmitry Volkov's collection. A story about a man, his art and library” is an experimental project. The idea of the exhibition was an invitation to the collector's mind, where philosophy and art are firmly connected.

The audience was guided by the dialogue between the exhibition curator Fyodor Pavlov-Andreevich and the collector about the connection between the selected works and events in Dmitry's life.

“The brain is made up of neurons that interact with each other through electrochemical reactions. There are also images in the brain that we use to think. And to understand each image we need text. The relationship between text, neurons, and images is one of the mysteries of modern philosophy of mind. This combination of essences is the main issue of the exhibition” - Dmitry Volkov describes the idea.

The heart of the exhibition is the collection of the first and lifetime editions of the greatest philosophers: Bacon and Descartes, Kant and Hegel, Husserl and Wittgenstein. This is just a small part of the impressive collection of Dmitry Volkov and the Center for Consciousness Studies. Exhibition

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This is Not a Book